À propos de la société

Racehard is a North Carolina business which began in the beginning of 2015. Their vision is to build a company focused on the community of racers, from enthusiast to professional. Their core value is to build relationships while putting people, over profits. They strive to become the largest online provider of racing supplies, services and support where racers are motivated to use us as a tool for their success. Whether that’s through their Racer Support Program, where teams save on the parts and supplies, that they need to be competitive every week. Or with their production and marketing team, where they help strategically build a drivers image and brand and help place them into the eyes of a sponsor. Their expectation is that they will be able to see growth and success through RaceHard that would never have been accomplished except by the direct intervention of God. They are more than a store, they are influenced by thrill of speed. They are Adrenaline Inspired.

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